Private Label

Customize our products with
your brand image!
Trust our Private Label service!

How does our customization service work?

Our experience and innovation in the field of garden hoses come together to offer you customized products that will speak directly to the hearts of your customers: choose the product and the desired color, send us your logo or graphics and we will take care of the customization!

1. Choose product you would like to customize

Choose from our exclusive selection of super-light, expandable hoses – available in a wide range of sizes and diameters – and our accessories:

The superlights

Ideal for gardens and open spaces.

+ 1000 available colors
Choose the size
Choose the diameter
The expandables

Ideal for balconies, terraces, campers and boats.

+ 1000 available colors
Choose the size
Choose the diameter
Quick fittings

Choose between sizes:
1/2” – 5/8” – 2/4”

+ 1000 available colors

It is possible for the customer to choose the percentage of recycled plastic for the composition of the body.

Irrigation accessories

3 types

+ 1000 available colors

It is possible to customize the color of the spray jet lance only.

2. Choose additional product

We offer the possibility of integrating additional accessories to offer a complete product.

Colorful bag

Useful for conveniently storing the hose, with perforated base to avoid water stagnation; multipurpose.

+ 1000 available colors
Plastic hose reel

For a tidy storage when the hose is not in use. It fits into the tap, is sturdy and designed for anchoring with dowels.

+ 1000 available colors
3. Choose from over 1000 colors

Choose the color that best represents your corporate identity and we will apply it to your garden hoses.

4. Choose your packaging

We offer customized packaging solutions for our products, designed to maximize the impact on the point of sale and facilitate logistics.

White box
Kraft box

Do you want to customize our products with your brand image?

Fill out the form and contact us
Or call +39 051 734808

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